Saturday, August 9, 2008

Food not lawns (part one of many I am guessing...)

I have a flowerbed that runs the entire width of my property minus the two car wide driveway. It's about 6 feet wide and full of weeds and Shasta Daisies.
I like the Daisies but they take a lot of water and other than a few bouquets I get very little from that bed.
I have been pondering the food not lawns movement and wanting to join in.
I have planted mint on the edge of a flowerbed in the back yard and placed a big feisty Artichoke in a flowerbed too. It's a start, but I am ready to take it to the next level.
I am going to rip out the Daisies and weeds and spread some of my precious horse poo on the beds..(I'll tell the horse poo story involves an entire driveway full of poo and a mad fiance - it was a hoot).
So anyways, once the bed is cleaned up and mulched with poo, I am going to plant a winter garden right out there in front of my house. For all the neighbors and house hunters who always drive down our road to see.
I'll get a pile of Swiss Chard, Kale, Peas etc from it, and they'll get a lesson in landscaping.
I'll shoot before and after pics so you can see why this must be done.


SaraG said...

thank you for visiting my site and leaving a comment! Gardens are a lot of fun but a lot of work also!
You will really enjoy it when your garden starts to produce.
Take care

han_ysic said...

Good Luck. I have done the same thing, but I have a courtyard style front garden so I don't get as many neighbours commenting. Those that do are all positive though. Love my neighbours. Check out the photos on my blog.