Friday, August 29, 2008

Update on "Ways to Save Money"

Ways to Save Money

* Conserve water Working on this, will install a cistern by Spring
* Drive less by limiting and combining trips Done!! Doing!!
* Convert to all CFLs Not yet, but nearly there
* Hang clothes to dry I hang about 15% of our laundry. Trying to get better!
* Grow a vegetable garden Done! I am also planting a HUGE fall/winter garden right now
* Hold a HUGE yard sale this summer On hold for now. Just listing things on Craigslist.
* Investigate installing low e window film to help insulate our house w/o replacing the windows Probably a no go...this is more for sun I believe.
* Eat vegetarian more often Just started doing this - 3 dinners a week!!
* Limit processed food purchases - healthier and cheaper Ongoing
* Make coffee at home Ongoing. The last time I was at Starbucks was in June-ish.
* Insulate the living room crawl space Done, to the tune of $703.81.
* Cover windows with plastic for winter Found a brand new window for the living room on Craigslist. Yay. Plastic will go up on the other windows in October.
* Sew thick curtains for winter Some done, more needed
* Install woodstove insert (natural gas prices are rising!) Maybe not this year, we're running out of money
* Reuse items that I usually would toss Ongoing
* Sew Ongoing, but need to do more of this
* Shop with coupons Hmm probably cancel this one, as most of what we are shopping for has no coupons
* Spend less at Christmas by making gifts Working on this
* Stop eating out - except date night Ongoing
* Turn off lights in empty rooms Ongoing
* Watch less TV (saves power) Easy, ongoing :)
* Unplug items we are not using Trying!! This is not very easy!!
* Insulate the waterheater TBD
* Investigate installing a tankless waterheater Probably not this year
* Buy foods with less packaging - bulk items are great Ongoing
* Use less air conditioning Used it once in the house this summer (107*)
* Give our old clothes new life by turning them into new things... See sewing note above

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